
Regenerative anti-aging medicine leverages the transformative potential of stem cells and cutting-edge regenerative therapies to slow, and potentially even reverse, the aging process. By addressing aging at its root—cellular damage and decline—these treatments aim to restore vitality, enhance longevity, and improve overall quality of life.

Here you will find explore articles, studies, clinics and communities on all things involving anti-aging stem cells and regenerative developments.

Featured Clinics


Stem cells in skincare are often marketed as the future of anti-aging, but how much of the science holds up?
Scientists have turned back time—at least in the lab. By transforming blood cells from centenarians into stem cells, researchers have
Listen in to the Regenerative Health Podcast to hear from leading anti aging company CEO's as they discuss developments and


A study examines the use of a transfersomal serum combining amniotic mesenchymal stem cell metabolite products (AMSC-MP) and hyaluronic acid
This study highlights the role of exosomal miR-302b in reversing the proliferative arrest of senescent cells (SnCs) in aging mice,
Human trials are exploring a future where aging is not just slowed but possibly reversed. The treatments focus on senolytic

Featured service providers


Dr. Oliver Gerardo Leon
Location: Mexico

Giostar Mexico

Jay Carter
Location: Mexico


Dr. Kayhan Turan
Location: Albania


Anti Aging FB

A public 3,000+ group on Facebook that regularly posts on anti aging subjects

Skin Care Addiction

For anything and everything having to do with skincare! A place for all things related to skincare, with a science-based approach. Over 4,000 members and an active discussion space

Anti Aging Tips and Tricks

A small but active public Facebook Group.