Long Covid

For those affected by Long Covid, regenerative health and stem cell therapies offer promising pathways to recovery and renewal. Unlike traditional approaches, regenerative therapies focus on repairing tissue damage and restoring balanced immune function—targeting the core issues believed to drive lingering symptoms. These innovative therapies bring new optimism to those navigating the long-term effects of COVID-19, aiming to restore vitality and improve overall quality of life.

Regenerative health holds great promise for treating Long Covid so please explore articles, studies, clinics and communities on regenerative developments and providers that may be helpful.

Featured Clinics


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cast a long shadow over global health, with millions still experiencing debilitating long-term symptoms known
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are emerging as a potential treatment for managing the persistent symptoms of long COVID
People with Long Covid have often struggled express the impact of their condition. Body Mapping can help them explain visually


COVID-19 pneumonia has been shown to cause significant damage to the airway epithelium, with long-term respiratory complications linked to alterations
A study successfully derived an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line from a long COVID patient, providing a tool for
MSC-treated group showed significantly lower risk of mortality than the control group (p = 0.03). No statistical significance was observed

Featured service providers


Dr. Oliver Gerardo Leon
Location: Mexico


Dr. Kayhan Turan
Location: Albania

Stem Cell Therapy Institute

Dr. Rafael Antun
Location: USA


Long Covid Support Group on Facebook

With over 66,000 members, This is a private, international peer support group for people with Long Covid and their carers. It is managed by volunteers from the charity Long Covid Support. All of the group admins have, or have had, Long Covid.

Living with Long COVID

The Living with Long COVID Support Community is from Inspire which operates various health communities. It connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. This community is sponsored by the American Lung Association, an Inspire trusted partner.

COVID-19 Longhauler Advocacy Project

A very well executed private Facebook group of nearly 10,000 members. The COVID-19 Longhauler Advocacy Project (C19LAP) is a grassroots, all volunteer and patient led, nonprofit organization. Their mission is to advance the understanding of Long COVID .